Home Slow and Dirty Dashboards

Slow and Dirty Dashboards

It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I was busy at work, the startup life continuing to cause burnout for me, and the following tech crash meant that I would not be working for a few months as I tried to pick up the pieces of what remained of my work and move forward.

The recession has hit us all hard, some more than others, as 10s of thousands of tech workers have been laid off. I feel lucky that I don’t feel like I’ll be on the market for long and that I can finally create the content I want across my entire suite of blogs and YouTube channels.

Now, on with the article.

I have recently been down a large rabbit hole with my favorite home automation software, Home Assistant. You can expose as much or as little of your smart home to the wider internet or move everything off the cloud and keep your devices local behind a firewall and separated from your main network and a VLAN.

I’m not interested in ligating this at the moment; what I want to write about today is Home Assistant dashboards.

What are dashboards?

Dashboards are just that; a place where you can collect different aspects of your Home Assistant instance using Lovelace cards that display that information in a visual way.

I am trying to figure out who my audience is for this blog so please keep that in mind while reading this. If this is too basic for you, reach out to me so that I can understand what you want to read, what you don’t, and your skill level and I’ll adjust these articles based on that feedback.

Can you please just show me examples??

Sure! Here are a few of my dashboards in Home Assistant below.

Have an interesting dashboard?

I’d like to hear from you! You can send me your dashboards at dashboards at tiff labs dot org.


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This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Curiosity and Home Assistant

Migrating Devices to Separate Networks
